Obsidian 1. 获取最近七天创建的文件 dateview table file.tags as "Tags", date(file.ctime) as "Create Time" from "" where date(file.ctime) >= date(today) - dur(7 day) and contains(file.frontmatter["dg-publish"], true) sort file.ctime desc dateviewjs const oneWeekAgo = new Date(); oneWeekAgo.setDate(oneWeekAgo.getDate() - 7); dv.table(["Name", "Tags", "Created"], dv.pages(``) .where(p => p.file.ctime > oneWeekAgo && p.file.frontmatter["dg-publish"]) .sort(p => p.file.ctime, 'desc') .map(p => [ p.file.link, p.file.frontmatter['tags'], moment(Number(p.file.cday)).format('yyyy-MM-DD') ]) ); 2. 最近七天修改的文件 dateviewjs const oneWeekAgo = new Date(); oneWeekAgo.setDate(oneWeekAgo.getDate() - 7); const currentFilePath = this.app.workspace.getActiveFile().path; dv.table(["Name", "Tags", "Updated"], dv.pages(``) .where(p => p.file.mtime > oneWeekAgo && p.file.frontmatter["dg-publish"] && p.file.path !== currentFilePath && p.file.ctime <= oneWeekAgo ) .sort(p => p.file.mtime, 'desc') .map(p => [ p.file.link, p.file.frontmatter['tags'], moment(Number(p.file.mtime)).format('yyyy-MM-DD') ]) ); dateview table file.tags as "Tags", date(file.mtime) as "Update Time", file.path from "" where date(file.mtime) >= date(today) - dur(7 day) and contains(file.frontmatter["dg-publish"], true) and file.name != "Home" sort file.ctime desc